Now may God, the fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!
Romans 15:13 TPT

Who We Are
FRESH HOPE CANADA is an outreach ministry founded by Steven & Becky Carleton. As a team, we are passionate about creating safe environments both in First Nation communities and in Northern communities where Indigenous youth can encounter HOPE itself in the person of Jesus. Our goal is to see thousands of Indigenous youth across Canada radically transformed by the love of Jesus and empowered to take the message of the Gospel into neighbouring communities & reserves.
About Us

Steven Carleton
Founder & President
Steven is the Founder & President of FRESH HOPE CANADA. He previously served as the President of the Bill Prankard Evangelistic Association and Director of the Arctic Hope Project for three years and seven years respectively. Steven has become a dynamic minister of the Gospel across Canada and in communities throughout the Canadian Arctic. Over the course of his time with BPEA, Steven was able to reach all 25 remote Nunavut communities through his groundbreaking "Arctic Hope Tour" which took place over the course of 2018 and into 2019 and saw close to 1000 Inuit give their hearts to Jesus. Because of his Inuit heritage and his own story of overcoming abuse, Steven is not only able to identify with those struggling with trauma but also offer the life changing experience of encountering HOPE itself in the person of Jesus. He is driven by a passion to create safe environments, both on First Nation reserves and in Northern communities, where Indigenous youth have the same opportunity to encounter Jesus the way he did. Steven and his wife Becky currently live in Ottawa, ON with their five young daughters.

Becky Carleton
Co-Founder & Administrator
Becky is the Co-Founder and Administrator for the FRESH HOPE CANADA. She previously served as an Administrator at the Bill Prankard Evangelistic Association for seven years, as well as provided planning and logistical support for the duration of the "Arctic Hope Tour" (2018-2019). Prior to that, she served as an Administrative Assistant for three Members of Parliament as well as an Executive Assistant to a CEO in the private sector. She provides administrative support for FRESH HOPE CANADA as well as enjoys being a stay-at-home mom to their five young daughters.

Goals & Strategy
Preach the Gospel on First Nation reserves and in Nunavut communities.
See an entire generation of Canadian Indigenous youth facing hopelessness and despair discover true hope through a relationship with Jesus.
Develop a network of Indigenous youth across Canada who are passionate about seeing the Gospel continue to reach other communities & reserves.
Explore the possibility of providing additional resources and training opportunities in the future.
Over the course of our time with the Bill Prankard Evangelistic Association, we were able to reach all 25 remote Nunavut communities through our groundbreaking "Arctic Hope Tour" which spanned 2018 and 2019. During that time we saw close to 1000 Inuit give their hearts to Jesus and many more heard for the first time that there was hope after experiencing trauma. Because of my Inuit heritage along with my story of overcoming abuse through forgiveness, I was not only able to identify with many of those struggling with trauma, but also convey the life-changing experience I had of encountering HOPE itself in the person of Jesus. Becky and I are driven by a passion to see many more souls come into the kingdom this season, especially in Canada’s Indigenous population. Our goal through FRESH HOPE CANADA is to create safe environments, both on First Nation reserves and in Northern communities where Indigenous youth can have the opportunity to encounter Jesus the same way I did.
We want to continue to build on the best practices we learned from the “Arctic Hope Tour” which included hosting our gatherings in local youth/community centers, offering a door prize or community feast, as well as using my story to build a bridge for these young people to see that because of Jesus, they too can have a hope and a future.
There are over 640 First Nation communities and 53 Inuit communities across Canada. Our goal is to travel to as many as 20-30 communities each year, targeting regions of 3-5 First Nation communities per trip or 2-4 Northern communities per trip. Over a 5 year period, our goal will be to have reached 100 communities, and in 10 years over 200 communities.

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